Homo Evolution: Human Origins

Homo Evolution: Human Origins Mod APK 1.3.74

Azur Interactive Games Limited Arcade


Informação adicional

Categoria: Arcade
Compatível com: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16)
Versão: 1.3.74
Preço: Free
Autor: Harry Alston
Tamanho: 44.01 MB
Desenvolvido por: Azur Interactive Games Limited
Adquire-o em: Google Play
Data de publicação 2020/ 04/ 25
Mod Yes

Description for Homo Evolution: Human Origins APK

Homo Evolution: Human Origins is a free-to-play Android game you can download as an APK. Take two ordinary human beings and slam them together to create new life. Based on other popular combine games – the most popular of which is Doodle God, worth checking out – Homo Evolution is a new and interest take on the genre.

First, create a little world. Force human evolution further and further through the eons. Life follows an almost historically accurate route but there are some deviations for lightheartedness and humor. Merge two people together and you’ll end up with some better. New creatures emerge from your strange experiments. These can be anything from the simple slug all the way towards some incredibly wacky personalities.

Let’s Get Down to the Gritty Science of Homo Evolution: Human Origins

This game is…interesting. We usually judge our first opinions on the game from Google Play Store reviews. In this case we’ve seen a huge drop off of 4 and 5 star reviews due to a recent update, which did add content, but also INCREASED the advertising. Want a way for your game to die? Increase ads. Increased Ads are usually a symptom of falling profits.


Here are some more details about the gameplay, if you can struggle past the ads.

Beginning – The start of an epic tale of evolution

First, there was an egg. Or was it the chicken? In the opening stages of Homo Evolution you must begin with the little things in life. Bacteria. Small creatures sprouting legs. From the single-cell to the embryo and so and so on.

Humans Grace (sort of) the Earth

Next up come the people. You need to build civilization up from its humble beginnings of the ancient world, discovering agriculture, paper and the wheel. With these ingredients you can start to unlock the secrets of the human race – the sorts of technological advancements that have lead you to reading this on your phone.

Getting Crazy With It

One of the fun things about combination games – like Homo Evolution – is to get weird and wacky with your experimental combinations. Stick things together that you’d never expect to work and see what happens. This is where you start to pull off some hilarious evolution!

The 8 Total Standards of Human Evolution according to this game

  • Television – sure, we can sort of understand how this has impacted the evolution of the human race. More overweight people, people with smaller brains, but also given us a means of creating amazing content that people the world over can enjoy in unison. Say what you want about television, but it’s going to play a crucial role in the way our far-off successors discuss our period of history.
  • Internet – if the television is an important factor in human evolution, then so too is the internet. Probably more so. Instant communication with a global audience. Although the internet is unlikely to have much of an effect on your actual physical bodily evolution, it is extremely likely to have a large impact on the composition of our brains.
  • Sports – human beings have played competitive sports for millennia. From kicking a pig’s liver in Ancient Rome, to hauling a rock in Mesolithic Southern American, or horsing around with a dead goat in Central Asia, the impact sports have had on human beings have been long studied. Physical prowess, strategic thinking, and more, have been honed on the playing field before being taken to battle. Crucial aspects of how the history of the human race has evolved.
  • Teleunity – I don’t know what this is.
  • Virtualization – the future of gaming and probably the future of life as we know it. Turning to virtual reality and AR is slow in the coming, but when it arrives we will wonder why it took so long. Enter into a imaginary world? Where you can play games like Homo Evolution – Human Origins in real-life? Simulated real-life? Count us in. Won’t even have to download the APK
  • Power cult – sounds sinister, and still not sure what this is.

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